The sale of the Villa Monéjan : a turning point for the Macrons

Publié le 25 février 2025 - 13:00
Villa Monejan
La résidence de Brigitte Macron au Touquet - Philippe HUGUEN / AFP
The sale of the Villa Monéjan: a turning point for the Macrons
La résidence de Brigitte Macron au Touquet - Philippe HUGUEN / AFP

For several weeks, a persistent rumour has been agitating the seaside resort of Le Touquet, in the Pas-de-Calais, north of France: Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron have decided to sell their Villa Monéjan, an emblematic house located on Avenue Saint-Jean, in the heart of the city.

This house, inherited by Brigitte Macron from her parents, Simone and Jean Trogneux, is much more than just a second home for the presidential couple. Named “Monéjan" in homage to the latter, it would embody a strong family anchorage and a place of memories. However, it seems that the Macrons are ready to turn this page. But why this decision, and who is orchestrating this real estate transaction?

Why sell Villa Monéjan?

The Villa Monéjan, with its 250 m² of living space, its small garden and its Anglo-Norman architecture, is a symbol of Le Touquet. However, its geographical location, in the heart of a busy shopping street, poses a problem. Since the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2017, the house has attracted the curious, tourists and the media, especially when the couple comes to vote or enjoy a rare moment of relaxation. This constant exposure, reinforced by the permanent presence of mobile gendarmes to ensure security, has transformed this haven of peace into a difficult place to live serenely.

Added to this is a growing lack of privacy. The recent construction of a high-end building just opposite, housing ten apartments and shops, has accentuated the vis-à-vis, making the villa even more vulnerable to prying eyes. For a couple who aspire to a peaceful life far from the hustle and bustle of the Élysée Palace, this loss of discretion seems to have become unbearable. "I understand that they want to sell," a local real estate professional told the press, highlighting the constraints imposed by a double entrance and complex security.

But this sale does not mark a definitive departure from Le Touquet, a place dear to Brigitte Macron, who spent a large part of her life there. The Macrons seem to want to reinvent themselves in the seaside resort, in search of a new home, larger, more isolated, and ideally close to the sea. A red brick house, located on Boulevard du Docteur-Jules-Pouget, with a view of the seafront, is mentioned as a possible candidate. This choice would reflect their desire to combine local attachment and newfound tranquility, perhaps in anticipation of the post-presidential term in 2027.

Who takes care of the sale?

If the rumour of the sale is on everyone's lips in Le Touquet, the transaction remains shrouded in a certain mystery. No local real estate agency has been mandated to manage this operation, which intrigues professionals in the sector. “We have been tenants of Mrs. Macron for 20 years, but she did not go through us, we were not even warned,” regrets the manager of an agency located on the ground floor of the villa, interviewed by La Voix du Nord. This discretion suggests a desire to control information and avoid leaks, a sensitive issue for such a high-profile couple.

According to several sources, it is the Elysée Palace that would directly supervise the sale, or at least a Parisian team close to the presidential couple. “Everything was done in Paris, Brigitte was too afraid that it would leak,” says a real estate source. A promise of sale has already been signed for an amount of 3.7 million euros, including the villa itself, the real estate agency on the ground floor and an adjacent clothing store, the rents of which were collected by the Macrons. The buyer, a businessman whose identity remains confidential, is said to have seized this rare opportunity in the highly prized “golden triangle” of Touquet.

Significant added value

This transaction, if confirmed, would represent a great financial operation. Estimated at 1.7 million euros in 2017, then 2.7 million in 2021, the value of the Villa Monéjan has reportedly risen, driven by the notoriety of the Macrons and the real estate boom in the resort. With a sale price of 3.7 million, the couple would make a significant capital gain, especially since renovation work, financed by a loan of 350,000 euros in 2011, had already modernized the house. A local real estate agent qualifies, however: “It's well sold, but it's worth 2 to 2.4 million, no more. In any case, this sum could finance their next real estate project in Le Touquet.

A symbol in transition

The sale of the Monéjan villa, if it goes ahead, would mark the end of an era for the Macrons, but not the end of their history with Le Touquet. Attached to this seaside resort where their love and memories were born, they seem ready to write a new, more discreet chapter, in a less exposed corner. In the meantime, the people of Le Touquet are waiting for the departure of the gendarmes from Avenue Saint-Jean, a sign that the page will well and truly be turned.


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