Videos in English

John Davidson
Epidemic of Fraud, truth is a bitter pill - interview with John Davidson
Epidemic of Fraud emerges as a striking investigation into the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic management. Filmmaker John Davidson delves into the medical and po...
19 mars 2024 - 17:51
Martin Kulldorff
"Truth can get you fired" - Dr. Martin Kulldorff, former professor of medecine at Harvard
Martin Kulldorff, an epidemiologist and biostatistician, has spent over a decade as a Harvard University professor and is a founding fellow at Hillsdale College's Acad...
18 mars 2024 - 16:53
FS Ron Johnson
Debriefing with US Senator Ron Johnson : “We must fight against the Covid cartel for the truth to emerge”
DEBRIEFING - Senator Johnson has been very active in assessing the Covid pandemic in the United States. On Monday, February 26, 2024, a round table was held in the Ame...
09 mars 2024 - 09:43
Gabriel Shipton
Assange's half-brother and producer of "Ithaka", Gabriel Shipton : "There are few legal recourses left to save Julian"
While Australian journalist Julian Assange, a figure in the defense of press freedom, remains in jail in Great Britain, where he has been imprisoned since 2019, his fa...
06 février 2024 - 16:25
Entretien Ben Lawrence Assange
Ben Lawrence, director of “Ithaka” : “All of Australia is pushing for Assange’s release”
INTERVIEW - In Ithaka, filmmaker Ben Lawrence presents an intimate portrayal of a father's fight to save his son, revealing the harsh realities of the campaign to free...
30 janvier 2024 - 17:33
Gunter Frank
In Germany, justice is no longer independent of political power and does not act in the interest of citizens - Dr. Gunter Frank.
As general practitioner in Germany, Dr. Gunter Frank was frequently invited to mainstream media for his numerous works on nutrition, as well as on the conflicts of int...
15 décembre 2023 - 11:11
Debriefing Steve Kirsch
Steve Kirsch : "New Zealand vaccination data shows a real danger with covid shots"
Steve Kirsch is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, alumnus of the famous MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). He has distinguished himself during the health crisis...
13 décembre 2023 - 17:30
Chanel Rion
The Bidens : many links leading to corruption
DEBRIEFING - Chanel Rion is the Chief White House Correspondent for One America News Network. Her work as a journalist led her to question the economic ties of the Bid...
25 octobre 2023 - 15:24
“Net zero by 2050 is just not going to happen”. An interview with Steven Koonin
Steven E. Koonin served as science advisor for the Department of energy under Barack Obama’s presidency. In 2021, he wrote the bestseller “Unsettled: What Climate Scie...
01 juin 2023 - 15:33
Jay Bhattacharya
«Trust in Public Health is at the lowest I've ever seen», Jay Bhattacharya, professor of Medicine and Economics
Jay Bhattacharya holds a PhD in economics and is a professor of medicine and economics at Stanford University, California. His research focuses on the economics of glo...
20 mars 2023 - 17:52
Flavio Cadegiani MD PhD
Dr Cadegiani has faced physical threats over his research into early treatments
INTERVIEW - Flavio Cadegiani, MD, PhD is a Brazilian endocrinologist. Author of numerous studies on the performance of ivermectin, he has also analyzed the media treat...
10 mars 2023 - 14:35
Igor Lopatonok
"The dominant narrative accusing Russia of representing absolute evil does not correspond to reality", Igor Lopatonok
DEBRIEFING - Igor Lopatonok is the executive producer of the films "Ukraine on Fire" and "Revealing Ukraine" co-directed with renowned producer Oliver Stone. In a pre...
27 février 2023 - 16:42
Francis Boyle
“The WHO Pandemic Treaty will establish a global, police, medical and scientific state”, Francis Boyle, professor of law
Francis Boyle is Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois. He is the author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, a U.S. law implem...
23 février 2023 - 21:01
Christine Cotton et Brook Jackson
Pfizer clinical trials : "Nobody cares about unreported serious adverse events" Christine Cotton and Brook Jackson
In this interview, Christine Cotton and Brook Jackson speak about good practices to follow when conducting a clinical trial. Both, in different positions, worked on Pf...
29 septembre 2022 - 19:15
Docteur Steven Hatfill
“France has got a national hero : Pr. Raoult” Dr Steven Hatfill
A great defender of early treatments, Dr. Steven Hatfill, a virologist and an expert in bioterrorism, explains in this “Debriefing“ his medical approach to treat Covid...
24 septembre 2022 - 12:45
Dr Werner Bergholz
There is a way to break the legal indemnity of vaccine manufacturer : Dr Werner Bergholz
In this debriefing, we interviewed Pr Werner Bergholz, a former professor of electrical engineering at Jacobs University and a quality control expert with 17 years of ...
25 mars 2022 - 11:15
Anna Brees : debriefing
Anna Brees : the mainstream media is being replaced
Anna Brees is a unique figure in the news industry. A former journalist for ITV and BBC television, she moved a decade or so ago into media-training for organizations ...
19 mars 2022 - 21:01
Andrey Kortunov : debriefing
"We need a mediation to stop this bloodbath" : Andrey Kortunov suggests Angela Merkel
Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) director Andrey Kortunov provides his analysis regarding the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. To him, the main...
14 mars 2022 - 00:05
Igor Lopatonok
"Ukraine on fire" ? Igor Lopatonok
Igor Lopatonok, a Ukrainian native and naturalized American citizen, is a director, scientist, and one of the pioneers who restored the great cinematographic works of ...
12 mars 2022 - 12:22
Général Paul E. Vallely
"The countries of Europe should not rely on the United States, but negotiate with Putin themselves" General Vallely
In the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, we interviewed US General Paul E. Vallely, an expert military strategy analyst and former Deputy General Commander of the Pac...
06 mars 2022 - 19:37
On trial : Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, BlackRock... The Corona Committee proceedings open on February 5th
We are honoured to welcome back German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich to report on the Corona Committee’s progress. Co-founded with fellow lawyer Viviana Fisher to shed l...
31 janvier 2022 - 13:02
Debriefing Peter McCullough
Peter McCullough : "all the vaccines worldwide should be taken off the market”
In his latest interview for France Soir, Peter McCullough recalls how physicians'attempts to provide early treatments have been systematically stymied, and how the cur...
31 janvier 2022 - 12:59
Derek Sloan
"Blowing the lid on this Covid stuff is going to open a lot of eyes" Derek Sloan
Canadian ex-MP Derek Sloan was expelled from the Conservative Party in January 2021, allegedly owing to his "disrespectful" attitude, more likely for having sharply cr...
03 novembre 2021 - 10:51
Dr Richard Fleming : nouveau debriefing
"The decision-makers must be held accountable" Dr. Richard Fleming
Dr. Richard Fleming is a nuclear and preventive cardiologist who also holds a law degree and a PhD in physics. Currently pursuing research into SPECT cardiac imagery, ...
20 octobre 2021 - 14:22
Dr Scott Jensen
Dr. Scott Jensen : Minnesota, a "Health Sanctuary State" ?
With 35 years in medical practice, Dr. Scott Jensen is now standing as candidate in the Republican Primary for Governor of Minnesota, ahead of the November 2022 electi...
12 octobre 2021 - 18:32
Mark C Miller
Who coined the term "Conspiracy Theory", and to what end ? An interview with Prof. Mark C. Miller
Who coined the term Conspiracy Theory, and to what end ? In this "debriefing", Dr. Mark Crispin Miller explains that it was close-reading of his “first love”, namely W...
08 octobre 2021 - 13:05
Damani Felder
"The new world order is going to be burned by the people" Damani Felder
If you stand for freedom, you are not alone, says Damani Felder, a Texan whose words “shoot from the hip”. Having published Felder's video "Just" a short while ago, we...
06 octobre 2021 - 19:11
Christian Vélot
"Beware ! The cure may be worse than the disease", Christian Vélot
Professor Vélot teaches molecular genetics at Paris-Sud University, and is the Scientific Director of the CRIIGEN (Comité de recherche de l’information indépendante du...
07 septembre 2021 - 11:47
Peter McCullough, encore un debriefing
"There was no cause to grant Pfizer full approval", Prof. Peter McCullough
Professor McCullough has done France Soir the honour of speaking to our audience on several recent occasions, latterly in relation to purportedly scientific utterances...
02 septembre 2021 - 19:28
Stephanie Seneff
"I can't imagine anybody pregnant agreeing to get that vaccine" Stephanie Seneff
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She holds a B.S. in Biophysics, M.S. and E.E. deg...
16 août 2021 - 15:00
Debriefing Zuby
"Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right" - Zuby, rapper
The British writer, rapper, public speaker and independent philosopher Zuby Udezue is an active social networker, with nearly 500,000 followers on Twitter. A remarkabl...
27 juillet 2021 - 12:08
WID English
World Ivermectin Day : Tess Lawrie
Tess Lawrie came back to tell us about an upcoming event : world ivermectin day. Organized on July 24th, a big day of worldwide demonstrations, this gathering aims to ...
24 juillet 2021 - 12:08
Macron et McCullough
Analyses of the french president Macron's scientific assertions by Prof. Peter McCullough
During his allocution to the Nation on July 12, 2021, President Macron made a number of scientific assertions related to Covid-19 : "the Delta variant is three times m...
14 juillet 2021 - 19:08
Adam Gaertner
Adam Gaertner : an 18 months tale, discovery of ivermectin and nomination for Nobel peace prize
Adam Gaertner lives in Arizona, USA, the heartland of America. He and his wife were running a web agency business creating touristic related websites. That business ca...
21 juin 2021 - 19:41
Dr Richard Fleming
"It's a biological weapon" Richard Fleming warns about Sars-Cov2
We know how to handle the modification of viruses in the lab. For many observers, the main question about Sars-Cov2 is: has it been created in a lab?Dr. Richard Flemin...
25 mai 2021 - 23:14
Dr Bhakdi
In Germany, Dr Bhakdi calls for ethics and denouces the lies of EMA and the FDA
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is a physician specialist in infectious diseases and a microbiologist. He worked as a professor, researcher for many years among others at the Max...
28 avril 2021 - 17:43
Pr Wasif Ali Khan
World tour of treatments Bangladesh's Doctor Khan : Ivermectin is working here too
We continue our “World Tour” of treatments for COVID-19, with this Debriefing interview with Professor Wasif Ali Khan, in Bangladesh. Doctor Kahn is a physician and re...
29 mars 2021 - 02:28
Tess Lawrie Debriefing 2
The ivermectine scandal, debriefing with Tess Lawrie
In her second Debriefing interview, Dr Tess Lawrie returns to reveal the behind-the-scenes battle taking place to bring forward honest and objective evidence-based con...
27 mars 2021 - 23:30
Dr Hector Carvallo
Prof. Carvallo, Argentina : "Regions that use ivermectin are doing much better !"
In this Debriefing interview, Professor Hector Carvallo, a specialist in infectious disease medicine in Argentina, offers a unique insight into the effective treatment...
27 mars 2021 - 13:36

Dessin de la semaine

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Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris, ou comment passer de la reine de la justice californienne à valet par défaut
PORTRAIT CRACHE - Samedi 27 juillet, la vice-présidente américaine Kamala Harris a officialisé sa candidature à la présidence des États-Unis, une semaine après le retr...
03 août 2024 - 12:49
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