A "magnetic attraction” to the news !

Xavier Azalbert, editor of FranceSoir
Publié le 01 mai 2022 - 19:02
Xavier Azalbert, directeur de la publication de FranceSoir
F. Froger / Z9, pour FranceSoir / FranceSoir
"Such is our commitment - to successfully create, alongside our readership, a press outlet that provides space not only for news but for debate and discussion"
F. Froger / Z9, pour FranceSoir / FranceSoir

FranceSoir : a Manifesto — From Théophraste Renaudot to Victor Hugo, through Emile de Girardin and Pierre Lazareff, the milestones in French press history bear the signs of daring moves taken, and retreats, of trial-and-error, of attacks, flops and breakthroughs. FranceSoir has become a very crossroads for journalism, rooted in a popular tradition of bold entrepreneurs who believe in the written word, and those who drink in those words and make sure they get out into the wider world.

As our predecessors at FranceSoir knew only too well, we find ourselves plunged into a maelstrom of controversy, whether economic, professional or intellectual. In no way would we purport to go down the path of those who failed, despite their being better organised, better financed and why not, more talented, more deserving even than we ! In our struggle to present – and serve - our readers with an experience that both informs and entertains, we shall have to be just human, rather than superhuman!

FranceSoir has thrown its hat into the ring of modern, collaborative quality journalism. It has so to speak, a « magnetic » attraction for writers who are drawn to news like a magnet  - whether journalists, acknowledged experts, anonymous contributors, writers both by trade or volunteer, regular or occasional - » and who will share their fire with our readership.

At FranceSoir, the team stands by its own intellectual, political and financial independence. Accordingly, we are committed to addressing everyone in a non-partisan manner; we will neither push a slanted or activist outlook, nor flavour-of-the-month clichés that in fact spell danger. We intend to remain alert, aware, curious, open to ideas and no doubt … somewhat less than perfect !

FranceSoir’s readership lies at the core of our daily editorial strategy. Those who come on board will find service projects that are constantly updated, a balanced editorial outlook and unusual sources for partnerships and entertainment.

Such is our commitment - to successfully create, alongside our readership, a press outlet that provides space not only for news but for debate and discussion.

To paraphrase the founder of FranceSoir, Pierre Lazareff, a newspaper whether print or electronic, “has got to be read first and foremost”. At FranceSoir we have the enthusiasm, the optimism and the sense of responsibility.

In the unceasing quest for meaning and values, we are the loyalists, “magnetically attracted” to the news !


FranceSoir Manisfeste Image Article
FranceSoir le manifeste : Nos experts c'est Vous !
Les «aimants» de l’information. Le manifeste de FranceSoir : De Théophraste Renaudot à Victor Hugo, en passant par Emile de Girardin et Pierre Lazareff, l’histoire de...
01 mai 2020 - 02:00

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