Vaccinating children, boosters and autoimmune disease : an analysis by Jean-Marc Sabatier

Estelle Fougères, for FranceSoir
Publié le 21 janvier 2022 - 20:29
Mis à jour le 27 janvier 2022 - 21:41
DR / FranceSoir
Jean-Marc Sabatier, Research Director at the CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique), PhD in cell biology and microbiology, affiliated with the Institute of Neurophysiopathology at the University of Aix-Marseille.
DR / FranceSoir

What do we know about immunity? How is it activated following an infection or vaccination? What is innate non-specific immunity? What about adaptive or acquired immunity? How were the vaccines developed? Are they still effective on new variants? How dangerous is the new Omicron variant? What does ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) and ERD (enhanced respiratory disease) mean? What do we know about the adverse effect adverse effects of the vaccine’s Spike protein? Can repeated multiple injections lead to lasting deregulation of the immune system? What role does vitamin D play in preventing infection?

These are the main themes addressed by Jean-Marc Sabatier, Research Director at the CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique), PhD in cell biology and microbiology, affiliated with the Institute of Neurophysiopathology at the University of Aix-Marseille. The views expressed here by Dr. Sabatier are his own and do not represent the institution.

Today, we publish the second part of this interview.

Estelle Fougères - The safety-nets have all failed. Prof. Peter McCullough, involved with several Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certifications in the United States, notes that in 1976, the swine flu vaccine was pulled following 25 fatalities, after one-fourth of the US population had already been vaccinated. In total, there were 54 deaths. Today, there are far more deaths reported with the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine world over.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - Hundreds of deaths related to the vaccine, more precisely due to the toxicity of the Spike protein, have been reported.

Estelle Fougères - Thanks to their immune system, children you say, are not at risk. Which makes it worrying to vaccinate children, teenagers, young adults, especially with the boosters.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - Meanwhile, France like the United States has opted for a third dose, while some, such as Professor Delfraissy, propose a fourth! Clearly the plan is for multiple boosters.

Nonetheless, opposition is making itself heard. An Israeli advisory committee on vaccine safety has just issued an unfavorable opinion on the fourth dose.

This type of booster makes no sense: the current vaccine is still based on the Wuhan virus Spike protein which has now disappeared, and the effectiveness of “first generation vaccines” is fading.

However, having this Spike protein produced by mRNA or viral vector vaccines is not insignificant. They say the third dose – and then possibly a fourth – will increase the level of neutralizing antibodies. But the major problem is that when a booster is given to make our cells produce this Spike protein, we foster antibody-dependent enhancement. There is also direct toxicity from the Spike protein produced. The longer the molecule – and the Spike protein is a large one – the more likely it fosters antibody-dependent enhancement, as the number of epitopes is multiplied. In other words, the longer the molecule, the more sites the immune system may recognise.

If say, you are working on a very short Spike protein, 50 amino acid residues long, you might have one or two epitopes. Therefore, when injecting it, you will produce antibodies directed at one or two regions. On the other hand, if you produce a very long molecule, there will be many antibodies directed against different regions of the molecule. The longer the molecule, the more epitopes, epitopes that are not only neutralizing, but also enhancing and neutral.

Proportionally, the RBD (Receptor Binding Domain) region, that is, the Spike protein region that recognizes the ECA2 receptor (angiotensin II converting enzyme) of the target cells, is quite limited. As for the rest, save for the N-terminal region, the NTD, for which there are also neutralizing antibodies, there are potentially quite a few facilitating epitopes. Therefore, if with a third or fourth dose, for example, you increase the proportion of neutralizing antibodies by a factor of 10, you may increase the proportion of enhancing antibodies by a factor of 20 or 30. Hence the risk-benefit balance tilts, as the neutralizing antibody vs. facilitating antibody balance becomes still more negative. The more injections, the more negative the balance. Now, the major risk is related to disruption of innate immunity and to other deleterious effects induced by the vaccine’s Spike protein.

Estelle Fougères - Are we going against nature? To sum up, the virus becomes ever less virulent as it mutates. However, might improper vaccination upset Mother Nature, and make it more difficult to eradicate the virus?

Jean-Marc Sabatier - Yes, absolutely. Injections with the first-generation vaccines can and should be stopped. The current variants Delta and Omicron, are much less dangerous. While a few vulnerable people may contract a serious infection, lethality will be very low and most of those affected will have but a mild infection.

On the other hand, if one carry on administering multiple boosters of these outdated first-generation Wuhan Spike-based vaccines to the entire population, pathologies and lethality in the medium-to-long term may significantly increase. And rather than mortality representing a fraction of a percent, fatal forms may show up as more prevalent, percentage-wise.

However, aside from the disturbing the ADE phenomenon, the other issue with the boosters concerns the Spike protein’s direct action. As it happens, the vaccine Spike protein is imperfect. One reason may be the possibly inappropriate modifications made, namely two, at positions 986 and 987. Two proline residues were introduced.

The vaccine’s Spike protein has a major problem that makes it a danger to the vaccinated: a certain proportion of the protein can recognize the ECA2 receptor (the angiotensin II converting enzyme, the receptor recognized by the virus). Indeed, the Sars-CoV-2 virus attaches to the ECA2 receptor via its Spike protein. This receptor, when functioning normally in the absence of the virus, breaks down a hormone called angiotensin II. But when the virus is present and occupies the site (it attaches itself to the ECA2 receptor), it will interfere with degradation of angiotensin II.

This will lead to increased plasma concentration of angiotensin II. There is less degraded angiotensin II, so its proportion increases. This angiotensin II hormone has its own receptor called AT1R. Excess angiotensin II in the presence of the virus (related to the fact that the virus occupies the ECA2 receptor, hindering breakdown of angiotensin II), will overactivate the AT1R receptor. Precisely this receptor is harmful, since it causes Covid-19.

This single receptor activates many metabolic pathways, which can be very noxious. Since these pathways are essential to the body’s normal functioning, so is that receptor. Therefore, when overactivated by either the virus or by the vaccine's Spike protein, it begins to malfunction. Being linked to and controlling so many organs and tissues, it becomes very harmful.

This has been observed in the vaccinated, on occasion, with major and potentially very serious adverse effects. Fortunately, these remain unusual and occur mainly in those who lack vitamin D, or have significant comorbidities. Thrombosis, coagulopathy, autoimmune disease or other pathologies may strike. Cardiac arrest, although extremely unlikely, is also theoretically possible (via acute respiratory distress syndrome) following vaccination. This is because the vaccine Spike protein can to some extent, bind to the ECA2 receptor. While binding to this receptor, it does the same thing as the virus, i.e. overactivates the AT1R receptor. This AT1R receptor is hypertensive, causing high blood pressure; it is also pro-inflammatory, i.e. it launches the noxious cytokine storm (production of interleukin-6, interleukin-1-beta, TNF-alpha, interferon-gamma, etc.). This overactivated AT1R receptor may also bring on oxidative stress, since it causes reactive oxygen particles to be produced, which damage mitochondria and cells through apoptosis. Apoptosis is programmed cell death.

Estelle Fougères - Is this what we call “cell suicide”?

Jean-Marc Sabatier - That's right. Apoptosis is where cells allow themselves to die, with fragmentation of the genetic material and destruction of the cell’s energy plants, the mitochondria. This is associated with release of what is called ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), reactive oxygen particles. The AT1R receptor, when overactivated by an excess of angiotensin II in the presence of the virus or of the vaccine’s Spike protein, has a pro-oxidant effect: it releases these reactive oxygen particles which kill off the cells. The effect is thus noxious.

Estelle Fougères - This may sometimes occur at the disease’s second stage. After a few days, an inflammatory stage, thought to be the most dangerous, may set in.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - There is oxidative stress, associated with the pro-inflammatory stage. That is why, in treating Covid-19, one recommends vitamin C (preferably liposomal), an anti-oxidant which traps the reactive oxygen particles resulting from overactivating the AT1R receptor. Thus, when the AT1R receptor is over-activated in the presence of excess angiotensin II, reactive oxygen particles will be produced. The latter first alter and then kill off the cells, by destroying the mitochondria and the cell nucleus’ genetic material.

Now, in addition to being pro-oxidant, this AT1R receptor is pro-thrombotic, i.e. it brings on thrombosis, as well as myocarditis, pericarditis, etc., a major adverse effect from both vaccination and the Sars-CoV-2 virus. One also finds coagulopathies with blood platelet deficiency (thrombocytopenia), alongside autoimmune diseases that may manifest or worsen. All due to overactivation of the AT1R receptor, the core of Covid-19. As we’ve just seen, this AT1R receptor is hypertensive, pro-inflammatory, pro-oxidant and also pro-angiogenic, which thus encourages vascularization of tumors. It may thus foster latent cancers or even growth of tumors via better vascularization. Anti-cancer drugs are often anti-angiogenic. Here, the reaction is pro-angiogenic, with the opposite effect, namely vascularization and thus growth of tumors. The AT1R receptor is also pro-fibrosing, fostering organ hypertrophy and a drop in nitrogen monoxide.

Estelle Fougères - Some oncologists have come across heretofore unseen forms of cancer, following vaccination.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - Unsurprisingly.

Estelle Fougères - What advice have you for those who have been twice-vaccinated, but are now aware of the dangers and who decline the boosters? How to avoid getting ill?

Jean-Marc Sabatier - They should check vitamin D (calcidiol) levels and take supplements if need be. And take zinc. Vitamin D will activate many metabolic pathways while zinc is often a co-factor of proteases involved in these metabolic pathways. These are zinc metalloproteases, molecules that divide proteins or peptides only in the presence of zinc.

Zinc also allows certain transcription factors to transcribe genes. And when you take a vitamin D supplement, hundreds of genes are activated. For these genes to be activated, they must be transcribed so that the messenger RNAs arising from the transcriptions may be translated into proteins. There must therefore be transcription factors capable of transcribing genes some of which factors work solely in the presence of zinc.

Along with zinc, magnesium is important as it is a cofactor of many enzymes. Above all, magnesium is critical in connection with vitamin D because the hydroxylase enzymes (25-hydroxylase and 1-alpha- hydroxylase) which convert inactive vitamin D into bioactive calcitriol only work properly in the presence of magnesium. When one takes vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in the form of ampoules or capsules, that form is completely inactive. It must be modified twice, to become active. It is first transformed in the liver and must be modified a second time in the kidney. In the liver, it is modified by a 25-hydroxylase (an enzyme that will hydroxylate at position 25). The (25-hydroxy)- vitamin D3 (called calcidiol) circulates in the blood and must migrate to the kidney to be transformed a second time by a 1-alpha hydroxylase into (1 alpha, 25) dihydroxy-vitamin D3, called calcitriol. In other words, calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D that has been twice changed. Therefore, with a magnesium deficiency, vitamin D3 cannot be converted into calcitriol.

Along with magnesium, you must also have vitamin K2, liposomal vitamin C, and even glutathione, selenium, and other substances. All of this will help the metabolic pathways, allowing the organism to function optimally with no deficiency in vitamins, trace elements and minerals. When taking vitamin D, many metabolic pathways are activated. To do so correctly and optimally, all possible enzyme co-factors should be present.

Estelle Fougères - You told the Independent Scientific Council that in countries with little winter sunlight, one would need to eat 80 eggs or 1.5 kilogrammes of salmon or be exposed to 7 hours’ direct sunlight daily, to get enough vitamin D - which is quite impossible. Hence the vitamin D supplementation one recommends.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - Vitamin D should preferably be taken daily and in larger doses than heretofore suggested. For example, in England, the population has been supplemented with vitamin D (unlike France), but with only 400 IU per day, which is insufficient. For a normal person weighing 70 kilos, worthwhile vitamin D supplementation would represent about 4000 IU per day.

Estelle Fougères - You say there is little risk of overdosing vitamin D. But should greater care be taken perhaps with zinc or selenium?

Jean-Marc Sabatier - The risk of a vitamin D overdose is virtually nil: one would have to take high doses for weeks or months to approach the toxic dose. For vitamin D is roughly a toxic dose would represent 150 to 200 nanogrammes calcidiol per mL blood, which is very high. When supplementing with vitamin D, the rise in the vitamin, usually slow, depends on the individual. If you take, for example, two100,000 IU vitamin D phials, i.e . 200,000 IU at once, and measure vitamin D levels a few days later, you may merely find a slight increase in calcidiol level. Were you at 30 nanogrammes calcidiol per mL, you probably wouldn't even reach 40 nanogrammes calcidiol per mL. Ideally, take it every day non- stop, and at a high enough dose. Accordingly, one should regularly take blood tests to check follow calcidiol levels.

Estelle Fougères - As for vitamin C, Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize for Chemistry, who strongly promoted it, said it should be taken in grammes. Yes, one to three grammes.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - For Covid-19, one to three grammes of vitamin C per day (for a few days) is recommended though rarely advised.

Estelle Fougères - Vitamin C is generally presented in milligrammes, rather than in liposomal form.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - The liposomal form is appropriate, vitamin C being fat soluble, like vitamin D, which should ideally be taken at midday with a slightly fatty meal. Vitamin D is soluble in fat, not in water. Taking it with a fatty meal increases absorption by about 30%.

Estelle Fougères - What would you like to add?

Jean-Marc Sabatier - I would insist – notably to the health authorities, upon the dangers associated with multiple boosters, owing to the Spike protein’s direct toxicity for organs, tissue and the immune system, as well as ADE and ERD (Enhanced Respiratory Diseases).

ERDs include ADE and anything that facilitates infection of cells with the virus, but is not antibody-dependent. ADE stands for Antibody Dependent Enhancements. But non-antibody dependent enhancement may also be included in the ERD phenomenon. Besides ADE, one should pay greater heed to ERD, because it is an overall phenomenon.

For example, a substance that will promote a very harmful cytokine storm is associated with ERD. The phenomenon is therefore not based on ADE since it is independent of antibodies.

Similarly, a pro-inflammatory molecule which will locally attract numerous immune system cells and in turn produce cytokines noxious to the cells, will be associated with ERD. Consequently, ERD has also to do with cell-mediated immunopathology.

However, beyond the matter of ERD/ADE, I would stress that these boosters breed dysfunction of innate immunity and thus of adaptive/acquired immunity. Research has shown that the Spike protein or repeated, massive injection of a vaccine, may lastingly disrupt the immune system, suggesting that innate immunity cells cease to properly function. Which may lead to autoimmune disease. Should one administer multiple, massive injections of the same vaccine, dysfunction of innate immunity will become inevitable, drawing on or exacerbating autoimmune disease, as well as cancer, neurological disorders and other pathologies.

Estelle Fougères - A few days ago, The Lancet published just such a study.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - Two papers are currently being submitted for publication (here and there), indicating Spike protein-induced dysfunction of innate immunity. There other, similar published articles. Already in 2009, a published article pointed to dysfunction of innate immunity provoked by repeated immunization with the same antigen, beyond the immune system’s own tolerance/self- organized criticality threshold.

As it happens, innate immunity recognizes the proteins of self and non-self. When innate immunity ceases to function properly, it may recognize a protein of the self as a foreign protein and this may bring on autoimmune disease. With Covid-19, owing to a Sars-CoV-2 infection, there are known issues with innate immunity because the renin-angiotensin system, overactivated by the virus, controls innate immunity. When the renin-angiotensin system dysfunctions on account of the virus, this may disrupt innate immunity.

Autoimmune disease outbreaks have been observed with the presence of anti-ACE2 antibodies in some patients. Such antibodies oppose the Sars-CoV-2 cellular receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.

Moreover, autoimmune antibodies sometimes turn against coagulation factor VIII (acquired hemophilia autoimmune disease) and antiplatelet antibodies (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura autoimmune disease). Some autoimmune antibodies are directed against the myelin sheath (multiple sclerosis), etc. Autoimmune disease may manifest only after several months or over a year have elapsed. These adverse effects may thus be latent and only appear belatedly. Autoimmune disease may also worsen in some patients as reported from the United States.

Estelle Fougères - On US television, one learnt of a 13-year-old girl who participated in the Pfizer trials. Now bedridden, she is said to have 13 autoimmune diseases.

Jean-Marc Sabatier - It’s an extreme and most unfortunate case. We have just referred to the 2009 article on disrupting innate immunity through boosters, bringing on autoimmune disease.

With Sars-CoV-2, a biological system, mRNA or a viral vector which produces the Spike protein is used for the vaccine. That protein disrupts the renin-angiotensin system which controls innate immunity. The effect is twofold: the immune system is saturated, as the self-organized tolerance/criticality threshold has been crossed, triggering autoimmune disease. Secondly, the Spike protein disrupts innate immunity since it acts directly on the renin-angiotensin system which controls it.

Personally, I fear an unprecedented health catastrophe if the policy of multiple boosters with virtually-obsolete and potentially dangerous vaccines be pursued, given the proven toxicity of the vaccine’s Spike protein. Since the authorities seem to favour boosters every 4 to 6 months, matters may shortly become critical. The problem will no longer be ADE or ERD but perhaps autoimmune disease, cancer and other pathologies. I insist: the Spike protein over-activates the renin-angiotensin system, altering innate immunity, while the renin-angiotensin system, involved in many major metabolic pathways, will directly bring on, if overactivated, thrombosis, coagulopathy, myocarditis, pericarditis, etc. The latter are in fact Covid-19 diseases, and may be induced either by natural infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus, or by the vaccine’s Spike protein as such.

See also:

Part 1: Immunity, vaccines, side effects, treatments: the analysis of Jean-Marc Sabatier

Part 3: The problems these vaccines pose must be confronted, and urgently, - Jean-Marc Sabatier


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